Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Pastor's Commentary

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Here we cover a multitude of topics ranging from strengthening your Christian faith, helping you minister to others, to advising how you can start your very own house church.

We hope you’ll take some time to read through our posts here and enjoy them. If they speak to your heart, please get in touch and contact us.

If you want to join our community, then know that your presence would be a true blessing.

pregnant woman with an illustration of a baby inside of her belly

Words Regarding Abortion

It’s not enough to be pro-life. That’s a strategy that clearly won’t work because it’s based on the idea that murder's a political issue to be settled at the ballot box. Pursuing this strategy was/is a grave error. Murder shouldn't be an election season issue to be resolved by majority vote. "Pro-lifers" must join the movement which aims to totally abolish human abortion - embracing an "anti-murder" stance. Christians should lead the way. [...]

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Those in Your Corner Don’t Whisper Lies of Dissension

All humans are God’s creatures, created in God’s image no less!  However, in the Bible there’s a special covenant relationship with God that’s in view when discussing people as God’s children.  In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul does quote the Cilician Stoic philosopher Aratus, saying that we're all ‘God’s offspring’.  Yet, notice Paul does this in the context of calling the non-believers to repentance so that they'll have salvation in Christ. [...]

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red and blue pop art illustration of a man holding his face

An Edifying Back-and-Forth Between Believers

Without an understanding of the bad news there’s no context for the Good News. Pointing out the bad is part of proclaiming the good. Once a person's born again, they celebrate the victory of Christ! If hearts aren’t convicted, then our pastors have fallen short. If Christian hearts aren’t encouraged, then our pastors have fallen short. The ENTIRE gospel MUST be preached - both reprobation and redemption - to the glory of God. [...]

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Christ Has Died, Christ is Risen, Christ Will Come Again

Pew research shows less than 15% of Western Christians utilize the Bible as a moral compass. The answers provided to the Gallop pollsters are concerning. None of the responses indicate a motivation for going to church as having anything to do with worshiping God, glorifying Christ, or being convicted/encouraged by the Holy Spirit. Instead, the answers are, “I go to church to increase my knowledge and enjoy my kind of music.” [...]

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person using instagram at a kitchen counter

7 Examples That Kingdom Work Can Be Done Online

There’s no biblical teaching that Christians lead perfect lives with only perfect thoughts. Christ is perfect, Christians are not (although they aspire to be - hence, the need for Christ). Our hypocrisy, sin, and yet-to-be-glorified lives bring a stain to the name of Christ - if we make Christianity about us. But if we make our message about Him, then we commiserate with the lost, as we share the gospel that God’s rescued sinners (like us). [...]

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person reading an article on their cellphone

Christ is Hated Because Sin is Loved

Francis of Assisi emphasized living out a life of faith that exemplifies the message of the gospel, but never forget it’s a message Francis also taught by using words. Words are necessary. I don’t think he really ever said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” Who did? Some suggest Emily Stimpson. Unlikely. Emily’s been published only sort of recently; the quote’s been floating around for at least several decades. [...]

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judge holding a gavel and resting their hand on the bible

Surrendering Slowly is Not Winning

I get concerned about approaching Revelation chapter three jingoistically. America as a whole is not a congregation, and a giant-sized chunk of the American citizenry does not even identify as Christian. As a result, it can take one off track when “America” is conflated with “the church”. I am persuaded that it is best to view chapters two and three as letters addressing the church, and not as letters addressing geo-political nation states. [...]

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folded flag with the star of david

America as a New Israel?

Does one read the Bible and see the redemptive historical message laid out by a covenantal God or does one read the Bible and see the unfolding of history by a dispensational God? This question is at the heart of the divide on this issue. The Bible student does well to recognize the perspective that “Israel”, “God’s chosen”, “the people of God”, “Christ’s Bride”, “body of Christ” etc. are all different ways of saying the same thing. [...]

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white smartphone with the facebook logo crossed out by a stylus

A Number of Shareable Items

Christian hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. This hope doesn't exist for many. For example, public schools aren't Christian institutions. We can’t change that God’s enemies hate God’s Word (it's to be expected of them). But perhaps God will use us as He rescues some of these lost souls from their hatred of Him. As we do this, we must home school to protect our kids from soul destroying paganism. [...]

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cross in a graveyard in early spring

Not Only Isn’t It Fake News, It’s the Good News!

Francis gives every appearance of being a globalist who’s in lock-step with the Communist/Fascist hybrid that’s seeking to overtake the world. He's dangerously in error on this point (and many other points), but those seeking to draw attention to the Pope’s unbiblical worldview undercut their credibility when basing some of their arguments upon what they think Francis has said rather than highlighting the words he’s actually said. [...]

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