Tag: Faith Debate
When a person dies his spirit is no longer in the body. This is what people mean by saying, “The person is not there, it’s just a shell,” when discussing a corpse. By saying this, are we failing to highlight the wholeness of what it means to be human? Humans are more than merely spirits. The debate tends to be over how to understand the immaterial aspect, not the material aspect. Maybe both aspects should be tackled with equal vigor. [...]
Try Reading This Over a Cup of Coffee
Christians should hold other Christians to account. As for non-believers, Christians should call them to salvation with the message of mercy, grace, and forgiveness. There’s no need for a Christian to condemn lost sinners for their sin, as they already stand condemned by God's Word. Instead, the Christian should call lost sinners to reconciliation with their Creator and pray that they’ll repent to become disciples of Christ. [...]
Guns, Murder, Pagans, Clowns, and Stinkin’ Badges
Among people in the "pro-life" community there are many embracing a "two-victim" view. Have you ever heard a “pro-life” leader call for women guilty of carrying their babies to abortion mills to be arrested and charged with murder or accessory to murder”? This is as a glaring inconsistency. With all other murders, someone is arrested, charged, tried and punished if found guilty. The “abolition” movement aims to clear this up. [...]
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5 Wonderful Ways to Spread Holiday Cheer
The safest place on the planet for any human should be inside the womb. We know this isn’t the case, as evidenced every month by the estimated 4-million children killed before their gestation period has reached its natural end. Yes, four-million worldwide. That’s an average of 5,500 per hour, every hour. Or 90 per minute, every minute. This is more than one abortion per second. Every second of every day. Day after day after day. [...]
Christ is Hated Because Sin is Loved
Francis of Assisi emphasized living out a life of faith that exemplifies the message of the gospel, but never forget it’s a message Francis also taught by using words. Words are necessary. I don’t think he really ever said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” Who did? Some suggest Emily Stimpson. Unlikely. Emily’s been published only sort of recently; the quote’s been floating around for at least several decades. [...]
Surrendering Slowly is Not Winning
I get concerned about approaching Revelation chapter three jingoistically. America as a whole is not a congregation, and a giant-sized chunk of the American citizenry does not even identify as Christian. As a result, it can take one off track when “America” is conflated with “the church”. I am persuaded that it is best to view chapters two and three as letters addressing the church, and not as letters addressing geo-political nation states. [...]
Nothing Prepares One Better Than a Love for God’s Word and the Wise Counsel of Our Comforter
Seeking to “cast a vision” other than the one laid out by Christ in the Gospels will inevitably lead to mission drift at best, and apostasy at worst. Striving for excellence is commendable, but if the effort to be extraordinary leads to pride, ego, or self-sufficiency, then the church ends up with something worse than mediocrity… Maybe this is okay for social clubs, but it’s definitely not okay for Christ’s church. [...]
What Are the Benefits of a House Church?
As a member of the Clergy how do you feel about the stranger?... I stand committed to the truth. I stand for righteousness. I stand for justice. And in the spirit of Leviticus 19:18 and Numbers 6:24-26 I stand for love. Love for my brother. Love for the stranger. Love for my neighbor (understanding that all men and women are my neighbors... even those who call themselves my enemy)... Much love to you. Shalom. [...]
Three Very Concerning Things Posted on Social Media
With utilitarianism is it okay to be unfaithful to one’s spouse if they never find out? Or steal from someone if they never notice the item's missing? Or to snuff out the life of a person in a coma? And please pardon this extreme example: If, morally speaking, what matters is “conscious experiences”, then is it morally wrong for a group of men to rape an unconscious woman at a party if she does not consciously experience it? [...]
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Five Helpful & Instructive Musings from Social Media Past
These teens won't go to court because they broke no statute. But the court of public opinion should be allowed to weigh in. Who are these teens? If we can't see them because they're minors, then we should hear their parents explain the behavior of their children. The next time someone says, ‘People are basically good’, I will have this video begin playing in my mind as a reminder that evil lurks in the hearts of men. [...]
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