FAQ (Worshiping With Us)
If you’re curious about our church, then you are in the right place. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Of course, if you still have questions or want additional information, please reach out. We are always happy to chat about our church in more detail and share our mission.
Household of Faith in Christ meets on Saturdays from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm.
We meet in Frederick, Maryland in the pastor’s home. If you’d like to worship with us, we ask that you email the pastor for specific directions so that the pastor and his wife can prepare in advance for how many people might be attending. The email address is PastorSkinner@protonmail.com.
While we take our worship of God and the study of His Word very seriously, the setting for our meeting is informal. So, please come as you are. Most people dress as if they are visiting a friend to share dinner together. Speaking of which, once per quarter we expand our time together so that we can share a full meal as part of the Lord’s Supper.
We are an intentionally small congregation focused on developing loving relationships that are rooted in mutual edification and accountability. When you arrive, you will find a warm and inviting environment filled with smiles. There’s time given to talking together, an extended devotional, singing praises to God, prayer, Scripture reading, and a gospel-centered sermon that is followed by a group discussion.
We want you to know that we welcome your entire family. Your children are more than welcome here; they are family! In fact, kids participate in what we do, and if the parents need assistance attending to the needs of their youngsters, the other adults pitch in to help. We’re all in this together, and we desire for everyone (including the very youngest) to know that singing, praying, and listening to God’s truth is for them, too.