Having Kingdom Focused Dialogues Online? 

Changing the word used for a given reality doesn’t change the reality. Should we call ourselves “followers of the Way”, “believers in Jesus”, “the chosen”, or “disciples of our Savior”, it won’t matter. If we make our message about Him, then we commiserate with the lost, as we share the gospel that God’s rescues sinners from condemnation so that we can joyfully work to do the work of His kingdom. In Christ the yoke of guilt is lifted. [...]

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Obi-won Kenobi is Not Jesus and Other True Things

Communication is far better in person, but even “out in the wild” it’s rare to find patient constructive dialog. I’ll always cast a vote for “Face-to-face” over “Facebook”, but I wonder if this is a problem caused by social media, or if online interaction merely exposes a larger problem in society. If we know a person, we might discover we like them, so we might behave more politely. Regardless, we’re to love our neighbor anyway. [...]

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Those in Your Corner Don’t Whisper Lies of Dissension

All humans are God’s creatures, created in God’s image no less!  However, in the Bible there’s a special covenant relationship with God that’s in view when discussing people as God’s children.  In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul does quote the Cilician Stoic philosopher Aratus, saying that we're all ‘God’s offspring’.  Yet, notice Paul does this in the context of calling the non-believers to repentance so that they'll have salvation in Christ. [...]

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Christ Has Died, Christ is Risen, Christ Will Come Again

Pew research shows less than 15% of Western Christians utilize the Bible as a moral compass. The answers provided to the Gallop pollsters are concerning. None of the responses indicate a motivation for going to church as having anything to do with worshiping God, glorifying Christ, or being convicted/encouraged by the Holy Spirit. Instead, the answers are, “I go to church to increase my knowledge and enjoy my kind of music.” [...]

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person using instagram at a kitchen counter

7 Examples That Kingdom Work Can Be Done Online

There’s no biblical teaching that Christians lead perfect lives with only perfect thoughts. Christ is perfect, Christians are not (although they aspire to be - hence, the need for Christ). Our hypocrisy, sin, and yet-to-be-glorified lives bring a stain to the name of Christ - if we make Christianity about us. But if we make our message about Him, then we commiserate with the lost, as we share the gospel that God’s rescued sinners (like us). [...]

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white smartphone with the facebook logo crossed out by a stylus

A Number of Shareable Items

Christian hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. This hope doesn't exist for many. For example, public schools aren't Christian institutions. We can’t change that God’s enemies hate God’s Word (it's to be expected of them). But perhaps God will use us as He rescues some of these lost souls from their hatred of Him. As we do this, we must home school to protect our kids from soul destroying paganism. [...]

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old cabin in the woods

God’s Sovereignty, The Shack, and Three Edifying Reminders

Parents, you are charged by God with the honor of raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Entrusting this duty to pagan schools is a failure of monumental proportions. Abdicating your responsibility to "youth programs" doesn't cut it either. What keeps you from homeschooling, doing family devotionals, praising and worshiping God together with your kids? Whatever the obstacles, fight to overcome them. [...]

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Nothing Prepares One Better Than a Love for God’s Word and the Wise Counsel of Our Comforter

Seeking to “cast a vision” other than the one laid out by Christ in the Gospels will inevitably lead to mission drift at best, and apostasy at worst. Striving for excellence is commendable, but if the effort to be extraordinary leads to pride, ego, or self-sufficiency, then the church ends up with something worse than mediocrity… Maybe this is okay for social clubs, but it’s definitely not okay for Christ’s church. [...]

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quote by John Calving against a dark sy with the sunrise breaking through

A Half-Dozen Interesting Finds Online

Christian sermons need to be about Jesus Christ. Christian sermons must bring the hearers of the sermon to the foot of the cross. Christian sermons have a duty to present the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (and do so from God’s Word, rather than merely the words of mere men and women)… God’s people (need) to be reminded of the loving mercy and righteous rule of their Lord, Savior, and King. [...]

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person reading the bible in a church

Sanctuary Cities for the Undocumented, Yes or No

Compassion for aliens is certainly Christ-like... but abiding by the law is also Christ-like... The government is hopefully enacting laws that provide for loving justice. If not, Christians in the USA can work to have the laws changed. It’s a political tightrope for Christ-followers, to be sure... But Scripture always supports obeying the law of the land. Peacefully. Satan might tell us otherwise, but to him we must not listen. [...]

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