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Christ Has Died, Christ is Risen, Christ Will Come Again

Pew research shows less than 15% of Western Christians utilize the Bible as a moral compass. The answers provided to the Gallop pollsters are concerning. None of the responses indicate a motivation for going to church as having anything to do with worshiping God, glorifying Christ, or being convicted/encouraged by the Holy Spirit. Instead, the answers are, “I go to church to increase my knowledge and enjoy my kind of music.” [...]

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judge holding a gavel and resting their hand on the bible

Surrendering Slowly is Not Winning

I get concerned about approaching Revelation chapter three jingoistically. America as a whole is not a congregation, and a giant-sized chunk of the American citizenry does not even identify as Christian. As a result, it can take one off track when “America” is conflated with “the church”. I am persuaded that it is best to view chapters two and three as letters addressing the church, and not as letters addressing geo-political nation states. [...]

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