Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Pastor's Commentary

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We hope you’ll take some time to read through our posts here and enjoy them. If they speak to your heart, please get in touch and contact us.

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old cabin in the woods

God’s Sovereignty, The Shack, and Three Edifying Reminders

Parents, you are charged by God with the honor of raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Entrusting this duty to pagan schools is a failure of monumental proportions. Abdicating your responsibility to "youth programs" doesn't cut it either. What keeps you from homeschooling, doing family devotionals, praising and worshiping God together with your kids? Whatever the obstacles, fight to overcome them. [...]

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purple and teal marble pattern

Nothing Prepares One Better Than a Love for God’s Word and the Wise Counsel of Our Comforter

Seeking to “cast a vision” other than the one laid out by Christ in the Gospels will inevitably lead to mission drift at best, and apostasy at worst. Striving for excellence is commendable, but if the effort to be extraordinary leads to pride, ego, or self-sufficiency, then the church ends up with something worse than mediocrity… Maybe this is okay for social clubs, but it’s definitely not okay for Christ’s church. [...]

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wood nativity scene resting on a wood table

Christmastime Activities That Focus on Faith

Compassion is something we should aspire to have. It’s also something we should seek to have in our leaders. But, life and leadership are more complex than just this one thing. A list of the most compassionate presidents in US history might include John Adams, Abe Lincoln, and Harry Truman. All pretty good presidents. The list might also include John Quincy Adams, James Garfield, and Jimmy Carter. All poor presidents. [...]

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quote by John Calving against a dark sy with the sunrise breaking through

A Half-Dozen Interesting Finds Online

Christian sermons need to be about Jesus Christ. Christian sermons must bring the hearers of the sermon to the foot of the cross. Christian sermons have a duty to present the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (and do so from God’s Word, rather than merely the words of mere men and women)… God’s people (need) to be reminded of the loving mercy and righteous rule of their Lord, Savior, and King. [...]

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group of women reading the bible together

What Are the Benefits of a House Church?

As a member of the Clergy how do you feel about the stranger?... I stand committed to the truth. I stand for righteousness. I stand for justice. And in the spirit of Leviticus 19:18 and Numbers 6:24-26 I stand for love. Love for my brother. Love for the stranger. Love for my neighbor (understanding that all men and women are my neighbors... even those who call themselves my enemy)... Much love to you. Shalom. [...]

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smartphone with an error message screen

Heretical Garbage I’ve Posted (For Research Purposes Only)

Christ presents a view of women that is highly elevated. This is an important revelation for those who do not already know this, and an important reminder for the rest of us. What’s fascinating is that Jesus does this without tossing out the masculine themes that are presented throughout the Bible... Believers must stand for the truth in these matters, and do so by standing on the trustworthiness of the Word of God. [...]

Read More from Heretical Garbage I’ve Posted (For Research Purposes Only)

old baseball resting on black fabric

Sometimes There Are Good Things Posted on Social Media

Those not following the Bible must say they trust some other source as authoritative, and that this other source helps inform their imagination, experience, and training. For one trusting the Bible it's fair to ask, “Why do you trust it?” For one trusting in something other than the Bible, it's fair to ask, “Why do you trust that?” Logically speaking, each of us is in the same ocean using a different boat. Why do you trust the boat you’re in? [...]

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Seven Comments Overheard From Friends Online

The meaning behind Lamentations 1:14 - The liberty to do anything we want gradually becomes a desire to do everything. Then we become captive to sin, bound by its “yoke”. Freedom from sin’s captivity comes only from God. He gives us freedom not to do anything we want, but to do what He knows is best for us. Strange as it may seem, true freedom comes in obeying God – following His guidance so that we can receive His best. [...]

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person reading the bible in a church

Sanctuary Cities for the Undocumented, Yes or No

Compassion for aliens is certainly Christ-like... but abiding by the law is also Christ-like... The government is hopefully enacting laws that provide for loving justice. If not, Christians in the USA can work to have the laws changed. It’s a political tightrope for Christ-followers, to be sure... But Scripture always supports obeying the law of the land. Peacefully. Satan might tell us otherwise, but to him we must not listen. [...]

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three silver monkey statues

Three Very Concerning Things Posted on Social Media

With utilitarianism is it okay to be unfaithful to one’s spouse if they never find out? Or steal from someone if they never notice the item's missing? Or to snuff out the life of a person in a coma? And please pardon this extreme example: If, morally speaking, what matters is “conscious experiences”, then is it morally wrong for a group of men to rape an unconscious woman at a party if she does not consciously experience it? [...]

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