Guns, Murder, Pagans, Clowns, and Stinkin’ Badges

Among people in the "pro-life" community there are many embracing a "two-victim" view. Have you ever heard a “pro-life” leader call for women guilty of carrying their babies to abortion mills to be arrested and charged with murder or accessory to murder”?  This is as a glaring inconsistency.  With all other murders, someone is arrested, charged, tried and punished if found guilty.  The “abolition” movement aims to clear this up. [...]

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silhouette of a baby in a red broken heart

Bacteria on Mars are Life; Heartbeats on Earth are Not?

Disease is a health issue, not a population issue. Mass starvation is an economic issue, not a population issue. Where there’s economic liberty and personal freedom we see societies flourish, regardless of the size of their population. Even in places where the government and the economy aren’t as free as they could be. Each and every individual is a blessing. There’s plenty of room (and need) on our planet for more blessings. [...]

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person using instagram at a kitchen counter

7 Examples That Kingdom Work Can Be Done Online

There’s no biblical teaching that Christians lead perfect lives with only perfect thoughts. Christ is perfect, Christians are not (although they aspire to be - hence, the need for Christ). Our hypocrisy, sin, and yet-to-be-glorified lives bring a stain to the name of Christ - if we make Christianity about us. But if we make our message about Him, then we commiserate with the lost, as we share the gospel that God’s rescued sinners (like us). [...]

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three silver monkey statues

Three Very Concerning Things Posted on Social Media

With utilitarianism is it okay to be unfaithful to one’s spouse if they never find out? Or steal from someone if they never notice the item's missing? Or to snuff out the life of a person in a coma? And please pardon this extreme example: If, morally speaking, what matters is “conscious experiences”, then is it morally wrong for a group of men to rape an unconscious woman at a party if she does not consciously experience it? [...]

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