20 Years of General Housekeeping

Many professing Christians hold many views that don't square with biblical teaching. It's obvious that we have a biblical illiteracy problem in the United States. This problem impacts how we tackle societal ills around us, and hampers our ability to do so with wisdom. As Paul's example at Mars Hill illustrates, trying to get non-Bible readers to listen to biblical arguments is tough to do. So, maybe we can find ways to speak their language. [...]

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Try Reading This Over a Cup of Coffee

Christians should hold other Christians to account.  As for non-believers, Christians should call them to salvation with the message of mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  There’s no need for a Christian to condemn lost sinners for their sin, as they already stand condemned by God's Word.  Instead, the Christian should call lost sinners to reconciliation with their Creator and pray that they’ll repent to become disciples of Christ. [...]

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Guns, Murder, Pagans, Clowns, and Stinkin’ Badges

Among people in the "pro-life" community there are many embracing a "two-victim" view. Have you ever heard a “pro-life” leader call for women guilty of carrying their babies to abortion mills to be arrested and charged with murder or accessory to murder”?  This is as a glaring inconsistency.  With all other murders, someone is arrested, charged, tried and punished if found guilty.  The “abolition” movement aims to clear this up. [...]

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pregnant woman with an illustration of a baby inside of her belly

Words Regarding Abortion

It’s not enough to be pro-life. That’s a strategy that clearly won’t work because it’s based on the idea that murder's a political issue to be settled at the ballot box. Pursuing this strategy was/is a grave error. Murder shouldn't be an election season issue to be resolved by majority vote. "Pro-lifers" must join the movement which aims to totally abolish human abortion - embracing an "anti-murder" stance. Christians should lead the way. [...]

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gold number ten against a teal background

Who Doesn’t Like Random Lists of Ten?

"All human beings are both radically fallen yet made in the image and likeness of God... What's an idol? It's anything absorbing your heart & imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give... Christ isn't about trying harder; it means transferring our trust away from ourselves and resting in Him... What’s closest to your heart is what you talk about, and if God is close to your heart, you’ll talk about Him." [...]

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chalkboard with the number 6 tallied on it

Five Reminders How Little Has Changed in Five Years

I couldn’t help but notice the large number of former "friends" from a just a few years ago who have blocked me. They never reached out or indicated I had offended them. Too cowardly. Clearly they weren't the friends I hoped them to be. Fact is, I’m a Christian the same as always, but the culture's shifted. It now hates Christianity. Beneath their masks they hate Christians and even hate Christ Himself. Heart breaking. [...]

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