Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Pastor's Commentary

Welcome to Household of Faith in Christ’s blog. We’re glad you’re here.

You’ve absolutely come to the right place if you’re looking for stories of spiritual inspiration, practical cultural commentary, helpful thoughts for navigating the topsy-turvy planet, or simply some tidbits of interesting information.

Here we cover a multitude of topics ranging from strengthening your Christian faith, helping you minister to others, to advising how you can start your very own house church.

We hope you’ll take some time to read through our posts here and enjoy them. If they speak to your heart, please get in touch and contact us.

If you want to join our community, then know that your presence would be a true blessing.

person holding a cross over the bible

Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Christian Faith

Christians are called to be stewards of all that God's given us.  This includes the environment.  Does the Paris Accord accomplish this?  At least one professing Christian, David Rank, believes that it does. There are other professing Christians who disagree.  It'd seem that Christians can agree to disagree over the answer to this question. The importance of stewardship is not up for debate. The importance of the Paris agreement is. [...]

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person holding a small wood house with a cross

How to Start a House Church

There’s a Hebrew verb for miscarry (shakal). This word isn’t used in Exodus 21:22-25.  Instead it's the word for “go forth” (weyatse’u).  This verb doesn’t ever refer to an abortion.  When referring to pregnancy, it speaks of live children “going forth”/“coming out” from the womb.  So, Exodus 21 requires a fine to be paid for causing a premature birth, while injury/death (of the mother or the child) incurs a more severe punishment. [...]

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silhouette of a man pushing a large boulder up a hill

Overcoming: With Truth, Humor, Wisdom

Devious deception from self-absorbed leaders is all too common. News stories highlight the wary distrust of one group toward another group. Monetary greed, personal comfort, and a spirit of going-it-alone dominate culture. The back-biting, bickering, and back-stabbing wouldn't be so bad if not for the power plays, office politics, and Machiavellian triangulation. How do we come together in unity? What's the Bible say about this? [...]

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silhouette of three crosses during the sunrise

Understanding The History And Symbols of Easter

Personal Note: It is obvious that someone representing the church (and NOT me) wrote the original portion of the post about Easter.  First, I always refer to it as Resurrection Sunday.  Second, in this context I would not have made a big deal out of Christendom and the Council of Nicaea.  Third, our church does not use a Paschal Candle. Other than that, it has a good beat and I can dance to it, so I will give it a ninety-eight. [...]

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cartoon silhouette profiles of a man and woman

I’ll Show You a Place High on a Desert Plain

When seeing someone who’s lost, the loving thing is to help them be found. When seeing someone in peril, the loving thing is to help lead them to security. When seeing someone adrift, the loving thing is to help put them on course. If it’s true they stand condemned unless they repent, we serve them by telling them so. Pretending they’re not condemned, when they truly do stand condemned, is to fail in serving these neighbors. [...]

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cartoon of a red angry ox


The wussification of culture: A ball player is plunked in the backside and the benches clear. A ball to the butt necessitates a meeting at the mound? A bunch of wimps! Save the brawls for headhunters. The pitcher hit him in the tush! Baseball's become about crying. It used to be “There’s no crying in baseball.” Can’t break up double plays, or run through a catcher, or throw purpose pitches - what’s next? Maybe outlaw the fastball? [...]

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silhouette of a baby in a red broken heart

Bacteria on Mars are Life; Heartbeats on Earth are Not?

Disease is a health issue, not a population issue. Mass starvation is an economic issue, not a population issue. Where there’s economic liberty and personal freedom we see societies flourish, regardless of the size of their population. Even in places where the government and the economy aren’t as free as they could be. Each and every individual is a blessing. There’s plenty of room (and need) on our planet for more blessings. [...]

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black silhouette icon of donald trumps face

Can’t Live With Jesus Part-Time Expecting Full Benefits

Listen, you cannot live with Jesus part-time and expect full-time benefits. If Jesus lives in you, then He does so full-time, and grants you the full benefits of being His co-heir. There is no part-time with Jesus (this is what the Bible describes as lukewarm faith). A person is either with Him or against Him. If the person is lukewarm (part-time) then Jesus spews out the person. At least this is what the Scriptures teach. [...]

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dark blue midnight galaxy with stars and nebulas

An Example of Online Apologetics

Do you believe the universe came into existence, or that it’s always existed? Do you possibly believe it doesn’t exist? Regardless, are you able to defend your answer using observable, testable, repeatable, falsifiable evidence? My point isn’t to discount scientific method, but rather to point out its restrictions. It’s good at what it does (study the natural). It cannot be good at what it cannot -by definition- do (study the supernatural). [...]

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Obi-won Kenobi is Not Jesus and Other True Things

Communication is far better in person, but even “out in the wild” it’s rare to find patient constructive dialog. I’ll always cast a vote for “Face-to-face” over “Facebook”, but I wonder if this is a problem caused by social media, or if online interaction merely exposes a larger problem in society. If we know a person, we might discover we like them, so we might behave more politely. Regardless, we’re to love our neighbor anyway. [...]

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