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Christ is Hated Because Sin is Loved

Francis of Assisi emphasized living out a life of faith that exemplifies the message of the gospel, but never forget it’s a message Francis also taught by using words. Words are necessary. I don’t think he really ever said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” Who did? Some suggest Emily Stimpson. Unlikely. Emily’s been published only sort of recently; the quote’s been floating around for at least several decades. [...]

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folded flag with the star of david

America as a New Israel?

Does one read the Bible and see the redemptive historical message laid out by a covenantal God or does one read the Bible and see the unfolding of history by a dispensational God? This question is at the heart of the divide on this issue. The Bible student does well to recognize the perspective that “Israel”, “God’s chosen”, “the people of God”, “Christ’s Bride”, “body of Christ” etc. are all different ways of saying the same thing. [...]

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