cartoon of a red angry ox


The wussification of culture: A ball player is plunked in the backside and the benches clear. A ball to the butt necessitates a meeting at the mound? A bunch of wimps! Save the brawls for headhunters. The pitcher hit him in the tush! Baseball's become about crying. It used to be “There’s no crying in baseball.” Can’t break up double plays, or run through a catcher, or throw purpose pitches - what’s next? Maybe outlaw the fastball? [...]

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Christ is Hated Because Sin is Loved

Francis of Assisi emphasized living out a life of faith that exemplifies the message of the gospel, but never forget it’s a message Francis also taught by using words. Words are necessary. I don’t think he really ever said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” Who did? Some suggest Emily Stimpson. Unlikely. Emily’s been published only sort of recently; the quote’s been floating around for at least several decades. [...]

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