We usually hate the arguments that disprove ours.
Money, fame, career success – in the end they prove to be unsatisfying things.
Things money cannot buy: true joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and eternal life.
Are you praying you don’t die? Ah, but “to live is Christ and to die is gain!”
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in ever difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy, Yep. As the saying goes, “Readers are leaders.”
Know any professing Christians who don’t believe Jesus will come back? I do. It makes me sad for them.
A non-Christian said, “A wise person saves 10% to pay themselves first.” I jokingly said, “Should that be 10% net or 10% gross?” But all kidding aside, the first 10% should go to God. A wise man gives always God His 10% first.
Headline: “Eleven-year-old Florida Girl Forced to Marry Twenty-Year-Old Who Raped Her to Avoid Criminal Case.” This makes no sense. How would “her parents marrying her off” make the rape go away? How did this happen? Plus, there was a so-called church involved? (And a second rapist, by the way.) What sort of world has it become when no justice has ever been handed down on anyone involved in the case? Why? Sick! Disturbing!
While on the topic of disgusting! The excuse used to be that people simply need to know what is happening. Well, people have known for years. So, what’s the excuse now?
Remember the past, when appropriation in the context of a restaurant making burritos used to be called emulation, and it was a good thing? Seriously, appropriation is only bad if you “own” what someone is appropriating; like your wallet or your novel. (This is called stealing). Sadly, though, as long as Americans can still serve Irish whiskey and German beer most folks won’t care about this. By the way, why are we all allowed to eat chocolate (originated in Mexico), watch color TV (invented in Mexico), or grow corn (first cultivated in Mexico)?
Signs of a Dying Culture
There was a time London police tweeted: “Run, Hide, Tell.” A friend reacted, “That’s not the American way. Stand, Fight, Defend. Gun rights for citizens matter, especially when you are incapable of protecting everyone.” I don’t think this is truly the American way anymore. Not after the lack of spine that’s been on display since 2020. Also, I wonder, would this have happened in the UK if London had better knife control laws and van control laws?
A person who posted this next item was being “judgmental” without realizing it: “Sometimes the nicest people you meet are covered in tattoos, and sometimes the most judgmental people you meet go to church on Sundays.” All I said to this friend in response was, “And sometimes you meet the people who are covered in tattoos when you go to church.” Seriously, that original statement goes the other way, too. Not all tattooed people are nice, and not all church goers are judgmental. Aren’t we all being a little judgmental when we make these kinds of statements?
A rant unrelated to church, but that does address the “wussification” of culture. A ball player is plunked in the backside by a “purpose pitch” and the benches clear. Since when does a ball to the butt necessitate a “meeting at the mound”? A bunch of wimps!! Save the brawls for headhunters. The pitcher almost assuredly did it on purpose, but he hit him in the tush!! That’s where you hit a guy when you want to send him a message. (As opposed to aiming at the head). Baseball has become about crying, when it used to be “There’s no crying in baseball.” Can’t break up double plays, can’t run through the catcher to get to home plate, can’t throw purpose pitches… what’s next? Maybe they’ll outlaw the fastball.
There was a time when I worked in sports radio, so when someone accused the Chicago Bulls of artificially building a stacked team in the 1990’s, I couldn’t help but take the bait. I had to step in and defend my formerly beloved Bulls. The Bulls drafted both Michael and Scottie, so it happened organically. Rodman joined when basically no other team wanted him. I don’t recall them ever trying to go after another premier player in free agency. Certainly, the Jordan-led Bulls added a few key free agents during the ‘90’s to plug some gaps in the line-up. However, they were a very home-grown team.
From their six championship years they had 17 players on those rosters that started their careers with the Bulls. (Bill Cartwright, John Paxson, and Dennis Rodman are the only three starters that stand out as huge contributors missing from the list – and of these only Rodman could possibly be considered a “hired gun” in this context). The 17 players are: BJ Armstrong, Ricky Blanton, Keith Booth, Jason Caffey, Jo Jo English, Horace Grant, Jack Haley, Michael Jordan, Stacey King, Toni Kukoc, Rusty LaRue, Will Perdue, Scottie Pippen, Dickey Simpkins, Matt Steigenga, Corey Williams, and Scott Williams.
I’d add that the NBA was at its best in the 80’s and 90’s, and just hasn’t been the same since. The Bulls were “my team” from the 70’s through the early 2000’s. I’ve been following them less and less over the past ten years, as I’ve been following the NBA less and less. The game just doesn’t entertain me the way it once did. (By the way, the last few years I’ve begun to feel the same way about the NFL. Too many selfish players in both leagues makes it difficult to root for them).
While on the subject of basketball, a super devoted fan of the Golden State Warriors bragged that a Vegas computer simulation had the Bulls of the ‘90’s losing to the Warriors of more recent days. To this I’d say that playing “today’s game” (less physical) would make for a closer series. Playing “yesterday’s game” (more physical) would be a clear Bulls win. Heck, playing “yesterday’s game” the Warriors couldn’t beat the Pistons of the late ’80’s.
The very best Warriors team outscored opponents by 11 points per game during the season. “Them Bulls” outscored opponents by 13 points per game (during an era when 10% fewer points were scored in a game – making the Bulls stat even more impressive). Regardless of stats like this, the teams would be pretty evenly matched… so the Bulls win… because of Jordan. I say this because the Bulls were over-matched a couple of times during the Finals in the ’90’s… and they still won… because of Jordan. If he could will his team to victory when over-matched, he’d definitely will his team to victory when evenly matched. Swap any player on the Warriors for Jordan and the Warriors would win. He’s the total difference-maker in the comparison.
I could have fun with this all day, but I better quit soon and get back to real life. Before I do, one last heave from half-court at the final buzzer. The Bulls of the 90’s consistently proved that they could out-scheme great offenses with even greater defense.
In ’90-’91 the Lakers and their “Showtime” offense lost to the Bulls in five games.
In ’91-’92 the high scoring and offense minded Trailblazers lost to the Bulls in six games.
In ’92-’93 the top scoring team of the season, the Suns, lost to the Bulls in six games.
In ’95-’96 the #2 scoring team (behind only the Bulls), the Sonics, lost to the Bulls in six games.
In ’95-’96 the #1 scoring team (tied with the Bulls), the Jazz, lost to the Bulls in six games.
In ’97-’98 the Jazz, again from the big scoring Western Conference, lost to the Bulls in six games.
Because the Triangle Offense was so revolutionary, people tend to forget how the Bulls could often impose their will on other teams with their smothering defense. And as for trusting Vegas computer simulations – nine of the past ten NFL pre-season favorites to win the Super Bowl have NOT won the Super Bowl. So, they do “sometimes” get it wrong. After all, Vegas had Hillary beating Donald – as we all know.
Attempts at Humor
So, is THIS what a climate denier really looks like? A friend laughed and said, “His wife must be a nightmare if he stayed outside to mow the lawn.”
Here’s me trying to be funny. A friend says, “Well, that was a glorious success! You may now add ‘plumber’ to my resume – water pressure tank has been repaired and water is restored to the house. Nary a drip in sight!” To which I say, “Soooo, that’s what you meant when you said, ‘I’ll be back in a minute; I have to go check the plumbing.’”
Are you suggesting that we’re going NEED some global warming? We’re going to save earth and the sun’s going to burn out anyway!
I’ve still been busy debating whether the computer simulation in Rocky VI gets it right. Would Mason “The Line” Dixon win? Or would Rocky “The Italian Stallion” Balboa win? I’ve decided that whichever fighter could have Michael Jordan in their corner… that’s the fighter who would win.
Mindless riddle: Firing off a fax for a fake fuse effectuates a faulty flash from Facebook. Fantastic! Fuhgeddaboudit. Fully for fun, my friend.
Thanks for musing with me these past few minutes.
P.S. Shoutout to my former seminary professor, and his excellent introductory Hebrew grammar. Dr. Bill Fullilove always gets his students into the actual biblical text, and keeps them there. A great teacher. מזל טוב
Many blessings to you,
Pastor Troy Skinner