silhouette of a baby in a red broken heart

Bacteria on Mars are Life; Heartbeats on Earth are Not?

Disease is a health issue, not a population issue. Mass starvation is an economic issue, not a population issue. Where there’s economic liberty and personal freedom we see societies flourish, regardless of the size of their population. Even in places where the government and the economy aren’t as free as they could be. Each and every individual is a blessing. There’s plenty of room (and need) on our planet for more blessings. [...]

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chalkboard with the number 6 tallied on it

Five Reminders How Little Has Changed in Five Years

I couldn’t help but notice the large number of former "friends" from a just a few years ago who have blocked me. They never reached out or indicated I had offended them. Too cowardly. Clearly they weren't the friends I hoped them to be. Fact is, I’m a Christian the same as always, but the culture's shifted. It now hates Christianity. Beneath their masks they hate Christians and even hate Christ Himself. Heart breaking. [...]

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