old cabin in the woods

God’s Sovereignty, The Shack, and Three Edifying Reminders

Parents, you are charged by God with the honor of raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Entrusting this duty to pagan schools is a failure of monumental proportions. Abdicating your responsibility to "youth programs" doesn't cut it either. What keeps you from homeschooling, doing family devotionals, praising and worshiping God together with your kids? Whatever the obstacles, fight to overcome them. [...]

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gold cutout numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on a red background

Five Helpful & Instructive Musings from Social Media Past

These teens won't go to court because they broke no statute. But the court of public opinion should be allowed to weigh in. Who are these teens? If we can't see them because they're minors, then we should hear their parents explain the behavior of their children. The next time someone says, ‘People are basically good’, I will have this video begin playing in my mind as a reminder that evil lurks in the hearts of men. [...]

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