old cabin in the woods

God’s Sovereignty, The Shack, and Three Edifying Reminders

Parents, you are charged by God with the honor of raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Entrusting this duty to pagan schools is a failure of monumental proportions. Abdicating your responsibility to "youth programs" doesn't cut it either. What keeps you from homeschooling, doing family devotionals, praising and worshiping God together with your kids? Whatever the obstacles, fight to overcome them. [...]

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chalkboard with the number 6 tallied on it

Five Reminders How Little Has Changed in Five Years

I couldn’t help but notice the large number of former "friends" from a just a few years ago who have blocked me. They never reached out or indicated I had offended them. Too cowardly. Clearly they weren't the friends I hoped them to be. Fact is, I’m a Christian the same as always, but the culture's shifted. It now hates Christianity. Beneath their masks they hate Christians and even hate Christ Himself. Heart breaking. [...]

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