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Nothing Prepares One Better Than a Love for God’s Word and the Wise Counsel of Our Comforter

Seeking to “cast a vision” other than the one laid out by Christ in the Gospels will inevitably lead to mission drift at best, and apostasy at worst. Striving for excellence is commendable, but if the effort to be extraordinary leads to pride, ego, or self-sufficiency, then the church ends up with something worse than mediocrity… Maybe this is okay for social clubs, but it’s definitely not okay for Christ’s church. [...]

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Even Tim Keller Can Be Wrong

Tim Keller wrote an article titled “A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory. Keller is brilliant and an exceptionally gifted wordsmith. His intellect and talent are far superior to most (including mine). And yet, one quick read through his article exposes some of his most important assertions to be flat out wrong. I wonder if Keller possibly did this on purpose. I’m not formally accusing him, but I am keeping my eyes open. [...]

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